Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A knitted Easter Egg

The bunny becomes the Easter Bunny, she shows off her Easter Egg.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

meet the bunny

 This bunny is ready in time for this year's Easter.  She measures about 17 inches, and is wearing her dress.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

hop hop hop....


This rabbit is coming along.  It will soon have a head and dress.  Below are some beautiful flower I got from Bill, Mary Ellen and Mom.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Sunday, February 07, 2021

another project bag but smaller

 This project bag measures 10 x 11 3/4 inches.  It is all set to go, with all the pieces  for a block cut and ready to be sewn together.

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Sunday, January 24, 2021

yesterday's project

Dave helped me put a shelving unit together.

The right side will get 3 more shelves.  They are on order and should arrive on Friday.   Below is how it use to look...don't judge me too hard.  Next job - is to sort through the bins and eliminate some, combine some and maybe get rid of some.

My second row of diamonds...

 I just need to make one more red block

Monday, January 18, 2021

Back to the diamonds


Yes, it is back...the diamond quilt.  Being unsure where I left off, I decided to put the rows together.  That way I'll know what colours need more blocks made.

The purple row is complete.  Later I may add onto the length, that will be determined by the remaining background fabric.

To make one diamond square you need 4 - 2 inch finished squares.

This quilt is right up my alley.  I love small, irregular, and I love it scrappy.

My machine is limping along right now.  The wire in my bobbin case has been compromised.  But Pinheads, in Airdrie came to my rescue.  They helped me with a fix that will likely keep me sewing until a replacement part can arrive.

Now that is service.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Last Pouch in this Fabric


I have come to the end of this fabric.  With a few more things to organize, it is either introduce a new fabric or check out if I can find some more.

Friday, January 15, 2021

another pouch

 Here is another pouch to hold the rest of the snaps.  Maybe some day they will all fit into one and then this no-name pouch can hold something else.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

self portrait in the making

 This self portrait is a distorted version of the real face.  It has been enlarged in all directions of each square.  Then I removed some of the squares.  Remember it is not finished but you can see where it is going.  The lips and hair need to be stitched yet.

Why am I doing this?  Maybe it is because life right now is a distortion of the norm.  We are still living life but it looks different now, as well as some parts of our lives are missing during covid 19.

Saturday, January 09, 2021

More crafting is being done here...

   I decided to use photos to count my blessings and thankfulness.  So I made a book to hold all those photos.  I am thankful that here in Canada we are so fortunate to have the ability and means to do anything.  So I got out my paper stash, glue, packing tape and sewing supplies. 

The result was that I made my first bound book with lots of room to glue in photos.

the organizing continues!

 I didn't know I had so many snaps or domes.  I am not done on this organizing kick yet.

Monday, January 04, 2021

Finally got back to some quilting.

During Christmas I didn't get much time to quilt.  Before New Years I managed to get this quilt trimmed and bound.  I could likely have finished it last earlier but spent too long trying to decide what binding to use.

It was between navy and the backing fabric.  The navy was of course my go to, but it created a strong, continuous boundary.  With the year of restrictions coming to an end and the restrictions rolling over to the new, this quilt needed no boundaries.  So the backing fabric won.  It doesn't have the boundary feel that the navy did.  It allows us to see past the edge of the quilt, to what I want to believe are endless new places and friends to be had.  No restrictions thank you.

I picture this quilt as a visual of one's life.  Encircled by those who care for us (though at a social distance), and our community. Right now we are engaged with only the center.  We only venture out a bit, life right now is our core.  As the restrictions lift, our worlds will radiate outwards.  We will reengage with our broader circle of friends and navigate slowly back into our community and beyond.  Some things will be the same, others similar, and somethings gone.   

Although our former life has changed because of the lockdowns and restrictions of the epidemic, our inner core is solid.  That foundation block is there, it is strong, and will supply us with the strength no matter how many times we need to return to it.

We have learned this year that we each have a core or that square in the center of the quilt.  We have retreated back to it more then once.  But we have contacts that touch that square, some have a good hold and some have a lesser grip.  But all play an important roll in creating that strong, solid foundation for us.

Retreat to that core when needed, rely on your friends and family, regroup, then head out again.  Remember life is not a straight line, it is a journey of twists and turns.

Organizing the small stuff!


I have been organizing  my craft/sewing things.  I have so many small hardware pieces.  These small pouches are going to keep all the similar parts together. 

Almost at the toe!


My sock class is so close to being done.  I have about an inch to knit before I can start the toes.